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E-Invoicing Software in México


What is Factura360®?

Factura360® is an accurate xml based solution for anyone that needs e-invoicing in Mexico under Mexican Tax Authorities regulations. Our system complies with all tax law requirements and provides important functionality for anyone in the need to invoice in Mexico.


How create e-invoicing called Comprobante Fiscal Digital por Internet (CFDI 4.0)?

While we focus on developing and maintaining our great software, we connect it to the most powerful certification entities, called PACs (Proveedores Autorizados de Certificación) which obtain from the government the permission to receive the electronic files from people and to certify them as legal and valid.

Our solution helps anyone to have a perfect control of all the invoicing process, from adding product catalogs, customer catalogs and general information, to allow them to upload and maintaining their Digital Seal Certificates.


Wich is the process to do e-invoices using Factura360®?

Once data is uploaded (whether manual or bulk imported to their accounts), e-invoicing is very easy: user selects the type of e-invoice they want to create (invoices, credit notes, debit notes, payroll receipts, tax hold documents etc), fill up the information, check a preview or save a draft, and finalize the e-invoice.


Factura360® provides you files that government request

System creates both xml and PDF (nice looking invoice) and provides the user with informational grids where they can send them to their recipients, or even add more information based in their accounting needs. E-invoices can be marked as paid or not paid.


Batch e-invoicing on Factura360®

As well as offering web based e-invoicing functionality, Factura360 also provides bulk e-invoicing based on flat files with a very simple structure for anyone to be able to do invoicing fast and easy. Thousands of electronic invoices can be done by only uploading a flat file.


Other updates about Factura360®

And all of them can be bulk downloaded in zip files in order to send them to their accountants to continue the documents flow in their business processes.

Moreover, Factura360® also gives the user to create a web service connection to our system in order to link their ERP system, use our app as a bridge and get their e-invoices back perfectly generated and certified. Our API is very intuitive and easy to use.

User can send a text file, and xml unsealed or sealed, we take the file and generate the electronic invoice, sending it back to the ERP.




Take a test on Factura360® now!

Our software has been designed to work as a solution available as a service on the internet, also called SaaS or software as a service. This mean it is accessible anytime, anywhere.


*The service is quoted depending on the number of monthly CFDI required.